5 Highlights from My Conversation on The Brava Podcast


The best thing about being part of a community with other amazing, creative women is seeing the way we all manage to lift each other up– focusing on celebrating one another’s success. That’s why I really enjoyed taking part in the most recent episode of The Brava Podcast.

The word “Brava” actually means “to applaud women” and it was incredible to take part in a podcast that focuses on celebrating women’s successes. If you’re all about that, definitely check out the full conversation I had with the lovely Stephanie, who hosts the podcast. There are plenty of other inspiring episodes, and I wanted to share 5 highlights from our conversation here on the blog.

  1. Make your dreams a reality! It doesn’t matter how many ideas you have, it matters how many ideas you make happen. Don’t abandon the things you love because they seem impractical. Chase after them.

  2. Reject the “B-word” – aka stop being “busy” all the time. I don’t believe in being busy all the time because it can equate to feeling rushed and overwhelmed and glorifying the trend of the “hustle.” I really do have enough time for all the things I want to do.

  3. If you read my blog or follow me on social media, you won’t be surprised to hear me say how important it is to give yourself permission to create.

  4. Give yourself grace. Personally, it’s easy for me to give grace to other people and see the best in them. I have a much more difficult time doing that for myself and I know I’m not the only one. I’m working to be as kind to myself as I try to be to others.

  5. Let go of perfectionism and embrace your own abilities. You don’t have to do more to be more. Each of us is already more than enough.

I love all of these tips but the conversation on the podcast episode is loaded with even more juicy inspiration! Please take some time to check out the Brava Podcast and spend some time applauding yourself and all the other crafty awesome women in this world!


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