Books that have Changed My Life


This is a post I have been meaning to write for quite some time. Here are the books that have truly made a huge impact on me and my ways of thinking, doing business, and living a fulfilling and enriching life. I never really knew I was into self-help books, but it turns out I am!

The E-Myth - This was recommended to me by different mentors back in 2002 when I was starting my business, so I had to read it. I have passed along my copy to several friends and may even get the newest version to re-read. It is that good.

The Prophet - Finished it in just one or two nights and think that I should probably read it again. Overall just a very inspiring message about life.

The Purpose of Your Life - Read this in 2008, at a time where I was at a crossroads at what the heck I was doing with my life. I was approaching 30 and was so afraid that my twenties had been so fun and I'd experienced success and that it would be downhill from there. I am pretty sure you don't have to have a third-life crisis like I did in order to enjoy this book.

The 4-Hour Workweek - Read this in 2008 about the same time as I was going through my crisis as described above. I was working from the time I woke up until the time I went to sleep, so even a 40-hour work week would have been awesome. Even after this book inspired me to take a short sabbatical where I worked about 10 hours a week for a few months, I returned to a more efficient work/life balance in general.

The Art of Happiness - This was given to me as a gift and it came at a time when I was searching both for the meaning of life, my purpose, and most importantly, my happiness. I learned so much from this book and keep it as a handy piece of reference when I occasionally lose faith in myself and in humanity.

Spirit Junkie - I bought Gabrielle's first book, Add More ~Ing when I had the unique chance to meet her. Just overall both great and uplifting books that really resonated with me. Here's the first sentence in the Foreword by Marianne Williamson in Spirit Junkie: "Gabrielle Bernstein is both a teacher and a storyteller, looking to the truth she's found in her own everyday experiences to mine the gold that is her gift to others." And spoiler alert, the last sentence in the book by Gabby: "May you release your fear, have faith in spirit, expect miracles, and always listen to your inner guide." 

Have you read these and did they have the same impact on you? As I finished writing this post, I realize there are quite a few more, so hopefully I can do another one of these before too long. What books have made an impact on your life?


PS: I'm on ELISE GETS CRAFTY talking about my whole long, creative career path, if you care to have a listen. Subscribe to Elise's podcast or stream episode 054 here. In case you haven't already heard, she launched an awesome new product available for pre-order called the GET TO WORK BOOK. Woohoo!



Guest post by Landria Voigt, Author of Super Paleo Snacks


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