Last Minute Gift Ideas

Need a last minute gift idea? Here’s a list of my favorite gifts for creatives and kids over the years!

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Let's start with items for creatives and crafters. If you haven't noticed the hand-lettering trend is here to stay. I am loving this beautiful book by my friend Mye De Leon, Mastering Hand-Lettering: Your Practical Guide for Creating and Styling the Alphabet. You guys know how much I love and enjoy hand-lettering. I’ve learned a lot from this book! The creative examples and insights in this book are really fresh and understandable. I love the different examples that she gives. And it's just a very inspiring and colorful book. I love this quote on the book that says, “You got this! So who's with me? Let's try this together.” 

Next up are these little tins containing cards with lettering techniques. Remember flashcards when you were a child? These are similar in concept and I'm loving the Art Deco Deck, Shelley Kim breaks down forming the letters and gives examples of both upper and lowercase. I just love how they come in these fun little tins!

Obviously we need tools for all this lettering which is why this Tombow VIP Club Box delivered to your door every month makes a wonderful gift. VIP actually stands for very inspirational products and includes exclusive items that are hard to find in the US. The box is limited in quantity every month and you can cancel the month month subscription at any time. Some of my favorite Japanese pens and dual brush markers are from these boxes!

With macrame and weaving being so trendy now, your crafty friends would love this DIY Woven Art Book by my friend, Rachel Denbow. I haven't actually gotten much into weaving. But this book is so gorgeous, and makes me want to buy a bunch of yarn and a loom and actually do this because I think it looks really therapeutic and fun. The patterns are really well written and look easy to follow.

For the scrapbooker in your life, I cannot recommend the Instax Share SP-3 enough! This is my go-to wireless pocket printer that I carry with me for easy on-the-go memory keeping.

And finally, what crafter wouldn’t love a monthly sticker subscription?! My favorite is the Pipsticks Monthly Sticker Club. You get 15 sheets of fun, unique high quality stickers every month and there’s also a subscription for kids! Use my code AMYTAN15 for 15% off for new subscribers for the first 3 months!

I love gifting books to kids. Here are some of my favorites starting with Junk Re-Thunk. As Jack gets more into DIY projects and making things, it's even more important that he learns about recycling and repurposing. These books by Brian Yanish are awesome! I had the pleasure of meeting him years ago and seeing his creations that are made from all kinds of household items that you would normally toss away like milk cartons, cereal boxes, etc. Even the envelope is made from a cereal box. It's really genius. These projects encourage kids to think outside of the box with their creativity.

These books Happy and Together by Emma Dodd are some of my favorites. I’ve given them as gifts to Jack’s cousins as well as for our library. The illustrations are just so cute and colorful. And the stories are just beautiful.

Beautiful Oops is another favorite of mine. It is gorgeous. And I honestly think it's why Jack is so interested in drawing.

Of course I have to include a couple of toys! Of course toys are a favorite of kids. We are huge fans of this toy company called Green Toys. They make awesome toys from recycled materials and they are made in the USA. They're based right here in California actually and they are an eco friendly toy company working to raise awareness about sustainability while designing safe and innovative toys. We have quite the collection and this airplane was one of Jack’s favorites when he was a little younger.

If you know any toddlers or young kids who are obsessed with taking pictures, this Kidizoom Camera is a huge hit. It not only takes photos and video, but it even has games on it. It's great to scan through all of the pictures that gets snapped on it, whether on accident or on purpose. It's funny to go through and see what Jack has captured.

I hope this list of last-minute Christmas gift ideas was helpful! Let me know what else you would add to this list in the comments below! Happy Holidays!


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