Guest Episode on Created, a Bluprint Podcast

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to speak with Paul Costabile on Created, a Bluprint podcast and it was tons of fun. Created is all about taking a closer look into the lives of designers, hobbyists, and creatives who have successfully centered their lives around their crafts. This is the description of the show:

“Created follows a series of makers on the journey from hobbyist to successful creative pro. Get an up-close look at the struggles and joys of artists, designers, cooks, writers and more who turned part-time passions into full-time careers.“

Sounds amazing, right!? In this episode, I talked about my journey into the world of fashion, my transition into scrapbooking and how motherhood has changed and enhanced my life. You should definitely listen as soon as you get a chance. In the meantime, I wanted to share my 5 main takeaways from the episode to tide you over until you can have a listen:

  1. Bring the Energy. When you do what you love, be committed to it and let yourself be all in. Be so passionate it surprises people. Be unapologetic in your pursuit of the things you love.

  2. Stick with your craft, whatever it may be. That’s the thing that’s feeding your soul, contributing to your own happiness.

  3. Take time to pause and check in with yourself. Apply self care if needed. It’s so easy to feel tired, overwhelmed, and burned out. Those moments happen to all of us. Take some time for yourself. Check in regularly - How are you feeling? Are you in touch with your wildest dreams?

  4. Stay hungry for your goals but live guilt-free. Working towards goals is super important. But if you feel guilty every time you take a step back or turn your focus to other priorities, that isn’t a healthy approach.

  5. Be a dreamer and a doer (instead of just one or the other). Lofty ambitions are great, but if you never follow through, you won’t feel satisfied with your life. Similarly, if you are a doer and focus on merely completing tasks without a sense of direction or vision, you will also feel burnt out and exhausted much of the time. Try to harmonize between those things.

  6. Bonus! I also talked about the 3 F’s on the podcast– Freedom, Fulfillment and Fun. If you haven’t heard me discuss it before, be sure to listen in or check out my post about it from summer last year.

Hopefully, you enjoyed these highlights. I encourage you to check out the episode on Created, a Bluprint Podcast for a deeper dive and more juicy wisdom. The best thing about sharing my story is seeing the ripple effect– putting it out into the world and (ideally) inspiring others.


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