Just Do Whatever Your Heart Says

Lately I have been thinking a lot about streamlining and simplifying. I am trying to simplify in different areas of my life to free up time for the things I love to do. It's definitely a process. Though simplifying seems like such an easy concept but it's actually quite complex. This quote from Clementine Daily resonates with me fully:

"To create a meaningful life, we choose what is most important today and stop “doing” what we’re not doing. This decision wrangles us free from guilt and resentment. A shift from managing an impossible list to a few measurable tasks comes with a surge of relief. We discover enough space and energy to finish what we start, and the moments of our lives are more profound in the absence of that unnecessary “I should…” dialogue."

So on a deeper level, I am choosing to do things that fulfill me and not drain me. We all only have a certain amount of hours in a day to do all the things we need to. And one of the first areas I was able to free up more time and suffer from less decision fatigue easily is simplifying my wardrobe. I hope this doesn't sound superficial or anything, but after listening to this After The Jump podcast a couple years ago, I realized the importance of a daily uniform. I have always had my go-to pieces, but getting dressed in the mornings often take longer than it should, especially since I end up wearing a tee shirt and jeans most days. 

One day when I woke up way too early, I jumped on my phone and since it was my "bonus time" after looking at Instagram and emails, I browsed Pinterest and Facebook. I saw that someone had made a collage using the Polyvore app, and I decided to cave in. Here's my 1st Polyvore, pretty much what I wear everyday. by amy-tangerine. 

I love this "just do whatever your heart says" top under a cardigan or jacket. These distressed jeans are my current favorite - so soft and comfy, with the perfect amount of stretch. And these TOMS boots are just the right notch above completely casual.

Have you done something small in your life that has helped you streamline and simplify?


Live Your Life Fully


planner love - oh yeah