Motivational Monday

Been thinking a lot lately about priorities and how the pieces of my life are fitting together. Do you ever get into one of those introspective phases when you question what the heck you're doing? Well, I guess it happens to me more often than I'd like to think. Every once in a while I need a reminder and reassurance that I'm on the right track. That my time is spent doing what things I love, learning what makes me thrive, while still doing what makes me money, and trying to keep a humble head on my shoulders along the way. I've known that so much of my happiness is dependent on what I choose to do. But only recently have I realized that my happiness also depends on what I choose NOT to do. It's such a powerful thing - this gift of being given a choice. So knowing that I get to choose what I prioritize, the things that I deem as important, is such an enlightening realization. At the moment, I am really feeling the wisdom of Marie Forleo, and this post in particular resonated with me. And I hope it does the same for you!

I've been asked to show a video of how I script my Monday quotes, so I took a little time lapse video highlighting the process.

Each Monday this year, I plan on writing out a quote using this watercolor set from Michaels and a brush that says Royal 2 on it (can’t remember where it’s from, sorry!). If you have a favorite quote – snarky, silly, or simple in its’ wisdom, please share in the comments.


The Happy Sleeper


Happy Valentine's Day