Jack @ 13 months

I can't even  handle how adorable Jack is sometimes. He wore this little onesie and I could not believe how much older he looks! Maybe it's because he's technically a toddler and onesies are typically worn by younger babies. In any case, I love that he's usually such a little happy guy! He's full of smiles and makes us laugh so much.

He's got 6 teeth, says silly things like "hot hot" and isn't the best (whole) milk drinker, but we are working on it. He weaned himself gradually and this has changed a couple things around here (all good!). He's independent yet cuddly. He claps his hands after he does something accomplished like putting a lid on, is becoming a pickier eater, and doesn't like purees from the squeeze pouches anymore. Daddy thinks he needs his first haircut, but I want to let it grow. He's curious, still only crawling around, standing for a bit on his own, and he's got his own hashtag. Photos by Jamie Waters | Onesie is a gift from Aunt Cindy purchased from Brickyard Buffalo, but available on Etsy here)


'This Happened' by Shanna


The Best Happy Mail