Behind the Scenes of my Book + Giveaway


Photo by Deb Duty || American Apparel V-Neck summer shirt (sadly discontinued) || skirt from Target || cardigan by Charlotte Tarantola || leggings by Spanx || shoes by Melissa As you already know, my book is in the shop over at Studio Calico. Some of you have already even received them. Love seeing the tweets and Instagrams about it. For those who have taken the time to send over a note, thank YOU so much. It really means the world to me.

Last year while starting work on my book, I made a deal with Studio Calico to have first rights to selling my signed book online. After some going back and forth in my mind about the best way to get these babies autographed, I decided it was easier for me to fly up to Utah to sign the books hot off the press rather than shipped to me in LA and then turn around and have to ship them to Studio Calico. So I carved out a few days to and with my trusty iPhone in tow, I made a little video. 

Sarah Champion, the talented one who designed my book has a giveaway of 2 copies on her blog.

GIVEAWAY: Want a chance to win an autographed copy of my book compliments of Studio Calico? Leave a comment telling me your favorite papercrafting trend or technique. If you already have a copy, you can still enter and have it sent to a friend. Comments will close Sunday, January 27th at 6pm PST and a winner will be announced shortly after. Thanks and good luck!

Winner is #52 - Michelle, congrats!


Calendar Stamp!


SC Front Row February Kit Sneaks