Flower Crown Fun with Carly Cylinder

What better way to celebrate my favorite season than with a beautiful flower crown craft? I invited Carly Cylinder, author of Flower Chef, into the studio as our guide to modern flower decorating and crafty floral projects. I’ve been wanting to do a new series on my YouTube channel called Studio Sessions. I envision Studio Sessions to be where I invite a fellow creative to come craft with me in the studio and to share their expertise on a project together. Hopefully it will feel as though you’re right here getting creative and having fun with us. Carly’s work is gorgeous, so it was no surprise to me that this collaboration came together as beautifully as the flower crowns we created. It was simple, enjoyable, and flowed wonderfully. An added bonus was that it reminded me of my trip to Maui, which I vlogged about on my youtube channel. I really enjoyed the process and wanted to give you all a chance to see how to make one.


  • Bind Wire (you can purchase it in green or beige)

  • Cutters

  • Bouquet of Flowers (Pick the types and colors that make you happy! But also be sure you have flowers that will last well out of water. If you have any flowers– like lilies– that won’t last well out of water, just set them aside in a vase. You’ll have the crown and a mini bouquet.)

  • Grapevine Wire (also called Rustic Wire)



  1. Measure your head using the rustic wire to make sure the crown will fit you comfortably. It’s okay to make it a little big because you can always tighten it later.

  2. Trim your flower stems to about 3-4 inches long.

  3. You’re going to wrap the stems around the grapevine wire using the thinner bind wire. Let your creativity loose here. You pick the size, color and number of flowers that you want in the order that you want.

  4. You don’t have to attach them to the base one by one, either. Group the flowers in little bunches (of 2-3) and wrap the thinner wire around them and the crown.

  5. Don’t be afraid to try it on as you go along to see if the shape and size is going to work well for you.


After some experimenting with the size and shape of the crown, I was so pleased and happy with the way it looked when I wore it. We had to do a photoshoot after to capture the colorful creations we’d just made! It was the perfect, sunshiney Spring-time activity.


Here’s the full video - enjoy! How are you going to celebrate Spring? If you make any flower crowns, be sure to tag me and Carly on social media. I’d love to see your beautiful creations!


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