1. Our little sweet pea took his first Halloween very seriously. And then he loosened up and did a little dance. I didn't hand make the pea part, it was actually given to us as a gift, and is similar to this.

2. Since we are no longer walking distance to one of my favorite lunch spots, I am absolutely thrilled about The Lemonade Cookbook. JC surprised me with it as a late birthday gift. Though I am not much of a cook, I'm hoping a few of my favorite dishes are easy enough even for this novice. The photography is gorgeous and as I flipped through the pages in search of my faves, my stomach growl. Also after a brief flip through, many of the dishes I love are made of pretty simple ingredients.


3. Copying is mean. I have dealt with my fair share of flat out copying over the years in the fashion industry and learned to eventually just laugh it off and then move on. This was also before social media was such a huge influence. There were times I really wanted to lawyer up, but it would have been extremely costly on my part and as advised by many in the fashion industry, it wouldn't prove worthwhile in the end. I admire Lisa Congdon for taking more action than I ever did. You can read more about the whole story on Lisa's blog.

4. Yesterday I had fun recording another episode of Paperclipping Roundtable. It was amazing how little Jack slept in my mom's arms the entire time right up until the last minute or so and decided to say hi.

5. ‘Tis the season for making memories – and we want to help you record them. Join us for 25 DAYS and capture all of your holiday moments with Maggie Holmes. Maggie will be working with the Studio Calico December Daily™ kit and will post her foundation pages in mid November, and then follow up with daily updates of her completed album throughout December.

WHILE SUPPLIES LAST, 25 Days students will receive a bonus class kit filled with holiday cheer. This kit will ship free, no matter how far Santa has to carry it. Quantities are limited, so enroll now to reserve yours!


Our Trip to South Africa


Behind the Scenes | Cut & Paste CHA booth