033: Finding the Silver Lining with Jelena Aleksich

Jelena Aleksich is the creator of the Confetti Project, a photography project that douses amazing humans in confetti while asking, “What do you celebrate in your life right now?” She is driven by connection and makes it a point to explore what each subject celebrates. The Confetti Project was started as a photography series but has also transformed the lives of so many people with its therapeutic process that helps people let go and play. Over the past 4 years of working on this project, she’s learned that we all celebrate the same things and that all of life’s moments are deserving of celebrations. After dealing with her own devastating loss, she hopes to remind people that you can find purpose in pain and beauty in grief and I am so excited for you to hear the wisdom she shares in today’s episode. 


034: Best of 2019


032: Make What You Love with Katie Sabin