Made Remarkable Podcast: Amy Tangerine Shares How She Built Her Big Brand Business While Staying Aligned with Her Purpose

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down for an inspiring and heartwarming conversation with the incredible Kelly Wynne. During this interview, I opened up about my personal journey and the challenges I faced in finding my true path as a creative entrepreneur. From my unexpected pregnancy to my struggles with miscarriages. I share my experiences of surrender and how I discovered that allowing myself to "just be" led to a healthier and more authentic way of living. I hope my wisdom gained through unlearning old ways of being serves as an inspiration to you all.

Finding the Path to Creative Entrepreneurship

My journey into the world of creative entrepreneurship is a story of evolution and transformation. Like many of us, I initially explored my creative passions through different avenues. I began my career in fashion styling, designing hand-embroidered t-shirts that found their way into boutiques around the world. This was in the days before online shopping dominated, and I cherished the unique shopping experience offered by boutiques.

But life has a funny way of leading us down unexpected paths. I eventually transitioned into scrapbooking after visiting a local scrapbooking store and falling in love with the creative process and the wonderful community she discovered there. This marked the beginning of my journey into the world of crafting and creative expression.

Embracing Change and Evolving as an Artist

As artists and creatives, our journeys are rarely linear. My story is a beautiful example of this. I described how my creative journey evolved over time, taking me through various phases, from fashion styling to hand-embroidery to scrapbooking. It's a reminder that our creative paths are not set in stone; they can flow and change as we grow and discover new passions.

The Power of Surrender and Resilience

One of the most poignant moments in our conversation was when I shared my journey of motherhood, which was marked by both joy and heartache. After experiencing four miscarriages, I finally reached a point of surrender and acceptance. I learned that sometimes, no matter how hard you work or how much you want something, there are aspects of life that are beyond your control.

I hope my story serves as a reminder that, in both life and business, surrendering to what is and trusting the process can lead to unexpected and beautiful outcomes. It's a lesson in resilience and the importance of taking care of ourselves, both physically and emotionally.

The Balance Between Business and Personal Life

Running a creative business can be demanding, and I candidly discussed my journey of finding balance and harmony between my work and personal life. I shared how I had to confront my tendencies to overfunction and workaholism. Recognizing the need for rest and self-care was a crucial turning point for me.

I emphasized that it's not about achieving a perfect balance but finding harmony in life's ebb and flow. This resonated deeply with me, as I believe that acknowledging our limits and honoring our need for rest is essential to our overall well-being and creativity.

Embracing the Journey of Transition and Growth

Our conversation was a beautiful reminder of the parallel journeys we undertake as women, mothers, and creative entrepreneurs. Whether we're navigating the challenges of motherhood or the complexities of running a business, it's crucial to embrace the transitions and let go of old habits that no longer serve us.

My journey is a testament to the idea that we all have the power to craft lives we love, no matter our circumstances or where we find ourselves. It's about staying true to our authentic selves and finding the freedom to create and live on our own terms.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Kelly Wynne for allowing me to share my incredible journey with her. Her wisdom, vulnerability, and authenticity are truly inspiring.

Thank you for joining us on this creative journey, and remember, you are made remarkable.

Stay creative, stay inspired, and keep crafting a life you love.

You can listen to the full episode here:

Warmest wishes


45 Life Lessons I've Gathered Along the Way