Doing what makes you happy

Well hello there - it has been a while since I’ve blogged. I kept thinking I would come back to it. And then I didn’t. And now I think the time has come!

What are the creative activities you enjoy most right now? Have they brought you a sense of flow and lightness for a while? Or is it a new hobby you've recently picked up? Lately all I want to do in the studio is paint and PLAY. Do any of the quotes on this journal spread resonate with you?

Instead of fighting this feeling of desiring to play all day, I shifted my perspective recently and decided it was ok to operate in playful flow for the rest of the year. Of course I will still do work and the typical obligations of life. But I am prioritizing PLAY and PEACE.

I have given myself the permission to let the creative juices flow in whatever way feels best and I hope you can do the same for yourself. It's truly such a gift. Whether you love cardmaking, embroidery, baking, or mixed media journaling, making space to do the things you love is essential to well-being and happiness. 

As many of you know, one of the things that gives my heart a lot of joy is my DreamBox from Create Room. If you made it to the Creator Club event, then you heard about the Black Friday sale (starts tomorrow) and gift I want to give you if you order a DreamBox using my code, AMYTANGERINEBF. You'll get a custom piece of digital art that's personalized and made just for you to print and hang in your craft room or put into your DreamBox! Simply send a snapshot of the receipt to this email along with what colors you love and what you want the art to say. It will be a custom collaboration of sorts! Looks like the first 375 orders will get another something special too.


2 Free Printables for you!


DreamBox Lowest Price EVER!