Paper Gems


As it turns out, most of my paper crafting experience has resulted in flat projects. Flat in a flattering way, meaning 2D, not 3D. When I was in Utah a couple months ago, I couldn't resist the draw of the photo on the cover of the instructions for Paper Gems. I knew immediately that I wanted to use the papers from my Rise & Shine collection and turn them into these glorious 3-dimensional delights. With Jamie's help, along with a pencil, scissors and glue, we followed the instructions in the We R Memory Keepers Triangle Score Guide and used the Trim & Score Board 

Supplies: We R Memory Keepers Triangle Score Guide | Trim & Score Board | Rise & Shine papers | Cutter Bee scissors | Tombow liquid glue

We think they turned out colorful and cute! Of course I am just now thinking of this as I am typing, but these would be fun to go along with a little gift tag with the phrase, "Aren't you a gem?!" We are hoping to do more 3D paper projects now that we've tried this. Have you made these gems or any other cool things with patterned papers?


Craftcation Wrap Up


Motivational Monday