Snapshots from the Weekend

Considering it was the first weekend in January, when most of the country was experiencing record low temperatures, we lucked out and spent quite a bit of time outdoors enjoying sunshine and 70 degree weather.

All photos taken with my iPhone. Why yes, that is drool on my sleeve in the last photo. Saturday morning we headed to the Playa Vista farmers market. Jack loves adventures, looking around and was already quite fascinated with the balloon artist. The Urban Oven didn't have any eggs, so instead of the crimini breakfast pizza, we tried the sausage fennel. It was delicious. I managed some crafting time using my line, Plus One, which debuts at CHA this weekend. UPDATED 4:25pm: There are select Plus One products available now online! There were a number of times I thought about taking the holiday cards down. Usually I would get distracted by Jack. One time, his nap was calling. Since he has been a bit off with his napping (only likes sleeping on Ahpo, in the Ergo on me, or occasionally in his car seat). We decided to take him for his first walk in the Bob stroller JC got us for Christmas. He slept for a mere 30 minutes on our 2 mile walk. Other highlights include our little 3 and half month old rolling over (from tummy to back) for the first time, healthy meals (and snacks) at home all weekend, a couple trips to the gym for me and JC, and finally starting Homeland season 3. The tv watching has been lacking due to football and my need to try and keep Jack on a schedule. Overall a lovely, relaxing and warm way to kick off 2014. We truly are the lucky ones.


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5 for Friday!